Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Poll on Canadians' views on UFOs
Also among the online copies of the MUFON UFO Journal is this article by me (which I had completely forgotten about).
December 1997 Number
1997 Canadian poll suggests ten percent have seen UFO's
By Chris Rutkowski, UFOROM
A survey of Canadians regarding beliefs and attitudes towards
the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) was conducted by an
independent research network. The results suggest that almost ten percent of
all Canadians believe they have seen a UFO and that belief in the existence of
extraterrestrial life is very high among the general population, confirming
results from other surveys conducted by national and international professional
polling organizations.
During August, 1997, Ufology Research of Manitoba (UFOROM)
requested the assistance of independent, civilian UFO groups for a project
surveying Canadians on their beliefs and attitudes concerning unidentified
flying objects (UFOs). Participating groups were solicited on the basis of
their record of investigation and active contribution to Canadian ufology.
Participating groups were UFO*BC (Vancouver), Seekers (Brandon). UFOROM (Winnipeg), MUFON
Ontario (Toronto) and SOS OVNI Quebec (Montreal). During a period of one week, Canadians were
surveyed in five cities across the country. Surveys were conducted randomly
either in person in public locations or by telephone. Each pollster used an
identical set of questions. (A literal translation of the survey from English
into French was used in Quebec.)
Survey results were collected and
forwarded to UFOROM where each respondent's answers were coded and entered into
a computer database. Data was entered in MicroSoft Access, then translated into
Excel and later into a file readable by SPSS for Windows so that analyses could
be performed.
A total of 167 respondents provided data for the survey. Age
breakdown was a good cross-section of the populace, as follows:
Age Number
Under 20 19 11.4
20-29 52 31.1
30-39 35 21.0
40-49 23 13.8
50+ 38 22.8
The number of respondents varied from city to city, as follows:
City Number
Vancouver 20 12.0
Brandon 62 37.1
Winnipeg 50 29.9
Toronto 10 6.0
Montreal 25 15.0
The educational background of the respondents varied as follows:
Highest Level of Education Number Percent
Less than grade 12 32 19.3
Grade 12 83 50.0
First Degree/Diploma/Certificate 38 22.9
Second Degree 12
PhD 1
Gender distribution was very nearly equal:
Sex Number Percent
Female 80 47.9
Male 87 52.1
Survey Questions Related to UFOs
In response to the question: "Do you believe in the existence
of life elsewhere in the universe?" people answered:
Yes 78%
Not sure 9.0%
No 12.6%
This overwhelming positive response suggests that most Canadians
believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life.
This result is comparable to a 1996 Angus Reid poll which found
that 70% of the Canadian population believed in the existence of
extraterrestrial life. A 1985 Roper poll found only 41 % of the American
population believed likewise. In response to the question: "Do you believe
that some UFOs are alien spacecraft?" people answered:
Yes 52.1%
Not sure 22.2%
No 25.7%
The qualifier 'some' obviously created a problem for some respondents.
Other polls have asked "Are UFOs real?" without qualifying
"real" to respondents. In those studies, Roper (1985) found that 25%
responded positively, whereas Gallup (1990) found 27% responded positively. It
is thought that the qualifier affected the results. Yes, this survey suggests
that more than half of the population believes aliens are presently visiting Earth. The big question of
interest to ufologists was the query: "Have you ever seen a UFO?" In
the present survey, the results were:
Yes 9.6%
Not sure 6.0
No 84.4%
Nearly one in ten Canadians believe they have seen UFOs. In
terms of population, this translates into a
staggering 3 million Canadians who are UFO witnesses. While
this seems high, it should be noted that according to studies of UFO data, only
a small percentage of UFO reports remain unexplainable after investigation. In
other words, the fact that a large number of people claim to have seen UFOs
does not translate into a large number of actual "real" unknown
objects seen. (And, it should be noted, an
unexplained UFO does not automatically mean that a spaceship
was seen by a witness.)
This result compares very well
with other polls. A 1978 Gallup poll found that 9% of the American population had
seen UFOs, a 1985 Roper poll found 7% and a 1996 Newsweek poll found 12% had
seen UFOs. But this question is even more useful with the accompanying
question, asked of UFO witnesses: "Did you report the UFO to any civilian
or government organization?" The responses to this confirm what has been
suspected by ufologists for some time, namely, that most UFOs go unreported:
Yes 12.5%
Not sure 6.3%
No 81.3%
Only slightly over 12 per cent of UFO sightings are reported.
This means that out of the 3 million which were seen by Canadians, only about
375,000 were officially reported. This is still a large number, but is easier
to reconcile with the numbers of reports on file with various agencies.
For example, other studies of
Canadian UFO data have found that an average of about 250 UFO reports are made each
year. Knowing that only one in ten are reported, this means that 2500 sightings
actually take place. Further, studies show that UFO sightings are most often
witnessed by more than one person at a time.
This means that at least 5,000
people see UFOs each year. If we calculate that the living population of
Canadians who have seen UFOs in their lifetimes is uniform each year (and assuming
people only see UFOs once in their lifetimes), we can multiply the number of
UFO witnesses each year by at least 50 years to give the number of living
Canadians who have seen UFOs.
This figure is 250,000, only a
factor of 12 smaller than the number calculated based on the percentage
discerned through the poll. This is close enough to the reported values that we
can suggest that the results of the poll reflect actual reporting characteristics
in the country.
Another approach to UFO reporting
was to ask people: "If you ever saw a UFO, to whom would you report
it?" This question was asked specifically of people who said they had not
seen a UFO, in order to understand how the issue of reporting would be
approached should the opportunity arise. The answers are interesting in their
trends and dispersion:
Reported to Percent
No one 14.4
Friends 4.3
Family 4.3
UFO group 14.4
Planetarium 2.9
University 2.9
Not sure 14.4
Police 13.7
RCMP 4.3
Military/Airforce 3.6
Government 16.5
Media/Many people 4.3
The results are arranged in order from a scale whereby witnesses
are not comfortable with telling others about their sightings to an extreme
where they tell anyone and everyone. The five most common responses are
interesting, with nearly identical percentages: No one, a UFO group, Not sure,
Police and Government. (Curiously, very few people said they would report UFOs
to the military, implying, perhaps, that there is some distrust or uncertainty
about that specific kind of authority.)
In Canada, "police" and
"RCMP" are highly analogous, so we may be justified in combining the
two categories to produce the largest group at 18%. This could be a concern,
because there is no concerted effort or mandate for police or RCMP to
investigate UFOs at this time. What would be done with the reports? Even worse
is the number of people who would report UFOs to the government (16.5%). With a
bit of thought, this avenue is quite unacceptable. The National Research Council
of Canada ceased accepting UFO reports in 1995. At the present time, there is
no official government body which is in any way interested in public UFO reports. This might
pose a problem to those respondents if they were to ever actually see a UFO. The
percentage of people who would not tell anyone about their UFO experience
(14.4%) is at odds with that of people who have seen UFOs and admit they did
not make an official report (81.3%). We can note that the actual witnessing of
a UFO would cause most people to hesitate before reporting their sighting. Only
14.4% would actually report their sighting to a UFO group or organization.
Obviously, this would depend on the witness knowing how to contact a group in
his or her area.
When we correlate the results of
this question with the age of respondents we find a strong relationship
(p<.05). Older people tended toward reporting sightings to authorities such as
police and government, whereas younger people would tend only to tell friends
and family. This might suggest that
there is still some distrust of authority among younger adults.
Belief in a military or
government cover-up also produced interesting results. "Do you believe
there is a military or government cover-up regarding the existence of
Yes 57.5%
Not sure 9.0%
No 33.5%
More than half the population feel that information about UFOs
is being withheld from the general public. This compares well with the Newsweek
poll (1996) which found 49% of the American population believed there was a
coverup. Finally, respondents were asked if anyone else in their families had
seen UFOs.
Yes 13.3%
Not sure 14.5%
No 72.3%
The small percentage of positive responses suggests that UFO
witnesses probably do not come from a family with a history of experiencing
anomalous phenomena. This is a complex issue that could be explored by
researchers in other studies.
Correlative studies
A number of significant correlations were found between factors
within the data. The capitalized titles are abbreviations used in coding and
correlating the data. AGE was negatively correlated with COVER-UP (p=.007). This
means that older people tended not to believe in a cover-up, but younger adults
did. This is perhaps related to a generational difference in trust in
COVER-UP was also negatively
correlated with EDUCATION (p=.032). People with greater education tended not to
believe in a cover-up. AGE was very strongly negatively correlated with belief
extraterrestrial life, THE (p=.000). Older people are very likely
not to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life, but younger adults
almost certainly hold such a belief What is interesting is that a strong belief
in THE is correlated strongly with belief in a COVER-UP (p=.000). It perhaps
makes sense that if a person believes that there is life elsewhere in the
universe, he or she might think the government or military would have this same
knowledge and were withholding it because there is no open acceptance of this
UFO ALIEN was negatively
correlated with AGE (p=.000). Older Canadians were unwilling to accept that some
UFOs were alien spacecraft. However, UFOALIEN was strongly correlated with
COVER-UP (p=.000). People who believe UFOs are alien spacecraft
definitely think that there is a suppression of this knowledge. YES REPORT was
correlated with COVER-UP (p=.018). This implies that people who have seen a UFO
are more likely to believe there is a cover-up. This is probably because to
their own satisfaction, UFOs exist, against denials of that fact by government
and military organizations.
Only a weak correlation was found between EDUCATION and UFO
ALIEN (p=.094). It has long been thought that there was a relationship between
the amount of education and a belief in UFOs as alien spacecraft, but this was only
slightly indicated.
Curiously, there was a
significant correlation found between gender and the question of others in a
witness' family who have seen a UFO. For unknown reasons, more women than men
reported that others in their families had seen UFOs (p=.006). At present, we
have no way of interpreting this with confidence, other than by noting that women
may tend to know more than men about matters within their families.
Highlights of the Survey
Based on survey data:
- 78 % of Canadians believe in the existence of life elsewhere in the universe.
- 52.1 % of Canadians believe that some UFOs are alien spacecraft.
- 9.6% of Canadians believe they have seen UFOs.
- Only 12.5% of these reported their sightings to a civilian or government organization.
- More than one-third (18% + 16.5 %) of Canadians said that they would report any UFO to the police, RCMP or the government.
- Only 14.4% would report it to a UFO organization devoted to the investigation of such phenomena.
- 57.5% of Canadians believe there is a military or government cover-up of information regarding UFOs.
- Older people are more likely than young adults not to believe in a cover-up, and tend not to believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life or that some UFOs are alien spacecraft.
- People who think UFOs are alien spacecraft tend to think that there is a cover-up.
- People with higher education tend not to believe in a UFO cover-up.
This was a preliminary study which attempted to coordinate
Canadian UFO-related organizations in a national research project. Although UFO
groups tend to function independently, a pooling of resources has always been considered
as a possibility for research projects. In the past, however, sharing of
information and coordinated efforts have not been entirely successful. The
results of the present study may pave the way for future cooperative ventures
in scientific ufology. The survey had a number of limitations which likely affected
its results. First and foremost, the small sample size and uneven
representation across the country may have caused biases to enter into the
data. Future surveys and polls will have to address this problem. A second
issue was raised because of the independent nature of ufology itself. Each of the participating groups may have
used slightly different methods in selecting respondents, and randomness may
have been compromised as a result. Another factor is that polling generally
took place in metropolitan centers and may not reflect geographic and demographic
differences from coast to coast. Maritime Canada was not represented, and
neither were the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan and the North. Although polling
may have covered most of the primary population centers in Canada, it is possible that there
would be major differences in respondents if all provinces and territories were
included. However, the logistical problems in acquiring data from remote
regions and provinces without organized UFO groups for human resources are not
insignificant. Yet we must note that the quality of information obtained in
this pilot study may indicate that such a major effort is warranted and should be explored.
Without the active participation of independent UFO groups,
this study would have been impossible. Appreciation is given to the groups:
UFO*BC (Vancouver), Seekers (Brandon), UFOROM (Winnipeg), MUFON Ontario (Toronto)
and SOS OVNI Quebec (Montreal). Individual thanks go to Dave Pengilly, Gavin
McLeod, Graham Conway, Bill Oliver, Brian Fidler, Dave Creighton, Steve Hladkyj,
Errol Bruce-Knapp, Sue Kovios, Tom Theofanous, Victor Viggaini, Drew
Williamson, Victor Lorenco, Jacques
Poulet and Riccardo Melfi.
Angus Reid/Southam News Poll (1996). Canadians on the
possible existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life. Released Sept.
Durant, Robert (1997). Public opinion polls and UFOs. In:
UFO 1947-1997. Fifty years of flying saucers. London: Fortean Times.
ReutersVariety News Poll (1996). Nearly half of all Americans
think the government is hiding proof of UFOs from the public. Released July 1,
Labels: poll survey Canada UFOs MUFON UFO Journal 1997 belief attitude coverup witnesses