Thursday, December 19, 2024


Canadian UAP and “Drone” Reports Filed in December 2024


Although there are many stories in the news about the "drone invasion," and UAP experts are on podcasts telling everyone about the latest "AWESOME VIDEO!", actual UAP data is hard to come by.

Also, it's impossible to determine the purpose or design of the UAP "drones" based solely on witnesses' descriptions because as researchers know, most eyewitness accounts are not usable as data. And calling the movement of distant lights in the night sky "plasmoid communication" is just plain silly.

Since what we need is actual UAP data, I went through my usual sources of cases and pulled out the UAP reports from so far in December just to see what we are really getting as reports. Many, of course, include witnesses' labeling of them as "drones," even though there's no evidence that 's what they are. In fact, many of the objects called "drones" turn out to be planets, satellites and conventional aircraft. But we get what we get.

Here is a list of what's been officially reported in Canada in December 2024 from publicly accessible databases and sources. Many are from Atlantic provinces because that's where cases are most readily shared and available for research. I have stripped out much of the classifications and categories to make it easiler to read, leaving the dates (Y/M/D), times (24 hr clock), location (Town/Province), and a very brief description. Full case info will be published, as usual, in the 2024 Canadian UFO Survey when it is completed.

2024  12       1          1815  Kensington    PI       
light moving S with jerky motion      

2024  12       2          2048  Ebenezer       PI       
Video: flickering, blinking light in E                                                                                                                

2024  12       4                      Cape Traverse          PI       
Video: strobing lights changing colour, relatively stationary?      
2024  12       7          1500  Saint-Ferréol-les-Neiges    PQ      
shiny silver sphere w/short tail moving slowly NW high in sky    
2024  12       10       1530  Yarmouth      NS      
stationary light in N sky                                       
2024  12       10       1802  Surrey            BC      
Video: light high in sky going W-E, split in 2  [NB: likely plane]                             
2024  12       11       1800  Vancouver    BC      
Video: strange rectangular-shaped obj. changing colours in sky                                                                                                             
2024  12       12       2030  Sturgeon Falls          ON     
Video: several lights hovering over military base                             
2024  12       12       2358  Schomberg   ON     
orb approached witness; overhead was resolved to "oddly shaped plane" w/blinking lights                                        
2024  12       13       1730  Sydney           NS      
Photo: stationary orb, pulsating, changing colour  [NB: planet]                                                                                                              
2024  12       13       1858  London          ON     
Video: confusing account of "car sized drones" and blinking, stationary lights in sky                                                                                                             
2024  12       13       2130  Cape Wolfe   PI       
stationary light in sky                               
2024  12       13       2343  Edmonton    AB      
Photo: "plane like obj." w/r&g blinking lights, white light in front; "drone"                                                                                                                       

2024  12       14       700     Lower Sackville        NS      
Video: doorbell cam caught fireball                                         
2024  12       15       400     Halifax           NS      
Video: reel of distant lights appearing, vanishing                 
2024  12       15       1643  Sydney           NS      
Photo: contrail illuminated by sun                                                                                                                   

2024  12       15       1710  Ingramport   NS      
"drone floating in the air over 2 Mile Hill"; stationary flashing light "gave weird feeling"                                                                     
2024  12       15       1915  Chibougamu             PQ      
lights zig-zagging in sky, changing colours                                                                                                                  

2024  12       15       1925  Halifax           NS      
Video: starlike lights moving in sky; some in line, others not       
2024  12       15                   Yarmouth      NS      
"red lights above treeline" - "shouldn't have been there"                                                                                                             
2024  12       15                   Westville       NS      
Photo: starlike obj. shows "distortion" when zoomed in with iPhone, also binoculars                                                                            
2024  12       16       330     Kensington    PI       
Video: odd light effect appeared, faded  [NB: lens reflection?]                
2024  12       16       1400  Glace Bay      NS      
Photo: contrail                                                       
2024  12       16       1609  Sydney           NS      
Photo: contrail illuminated by sun                                                                                                                   

2024  12       16       1630  Elmsdale        NS      
Photo: contrail illuminated by sun                   
2024  12       16       1630  North Sydney           NS      
Photo: irregular broken contrail            
2024  12       16       2000  East Hants    NS      
orange ball of light, not Mars? vanished                                             
2024  12       16                   Bakers Settlement  NS      
Video: several lights moving in night sky                                            
2024  12       16                   Toronto          ON     
Video: "two being of light" in sky (distant moving lights)              
2024  12       16                   Eastern Passage      NS      
Video: procession of lights moving slowly upward [NB: too slow for Starlink?]                                                                                                                  
2024  12       16                   Shelburne Harbour            NS      
Photo: screenshot of video showing lights in sky?                                                                                                               
2024  12       16                   Truro  NS      
Video: lights moving in sky                                                                                                                     

2024  12       17                   Stewiacke      NS      
Video: stationary light in sky; zoomed in looks like mottled sphere                                                                                                                    
2024  12       17                               NS      
Photo: small light near Moon  [NB: Mars]                                                                                                                  

2024  12       18       31       La Tuque       PQ      
Video: stationary light just above treetops  [NB: tower light?]                                                                                                                
2024  12       18                   St. Louis        PI       
Video: "drones or weird camera issue that makes stars RGB?"                

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Tuesday, December 03, 2024


A quick note about the "alien invasion" that had been predicted to occur on December 3, 2024

About the alien invasion predicted for December 3, 2024: 

First, the good news for those hardcore NHI believers and fans of ufology on social media and popular podcasts.

It happened as predicted. You were right.

The bad news is that you missed it.

I had been taking my daily morning walk along a snowy path in a field in Charleswood, Manitoba, when a dazzling light shone down from the sky onto a patch of exposed grass near me. Onto this patch of hard soil and vegetation landed a domed, saucer-shaped vehicle about 35 feet in diameter and 15 feet in height. The craft seemed metallic, with no apparent seams or rivets, but took on the appearance of burnished brass or aluminum.

Suddenly, a small door opened in the side of the space vehicle (for what else could it have been?) and out of it emerged a small, strange creature. Not the usual almond-eyed grey that many see, nor like an insect, nor an armored thing like a Predator. But it was more like a small, furry dwarfskinnier and more articulated than an Ewok, and not green like Yoda but kind of beige color with an eggshell-like texture to its skin. (It was naked, except for what looked like purple swimming trunks on its lower body.)

It marched up to me and I was shocked to hear it say in perfect English (with a bit of a Scottish accent, for some reason): “Stand still, Earthling, for your planet is being invaded as I speak! I am Kotorg, Advance Sentry of the Imperial Commander from the planet Ixbez, and I am here to prepare the way for our Strike Force. Your planet will be destroyed and humans will suffer greatly!”

I was quite taken aback by this diminutive alien and did as it obeyed, for I noted it was holding a device in one of its hands: a potato-shaped thing with a nozzle pointing in my direction, and I didn’t want to get zapped or disintegrated.

“As the first Earthling we have encountered, you will be instrumental in conveying our orders to others on your planet,” it intoned in a high-pitched, yet raspy voice. “Take me to your leader!”

Surprised by hearing such a comedic line, I asked, “Which one?”

The little alien seemed puzzled by my reply, and retorted, “What do you mean? There is no one who speaks for your planet?”

I then patiently explained that at the moment there was a leader in our country, but a leader-elect in another, with a different leader currently in power.

I continued: “Of course, there are leaders of individual towns and cities, and leaders of states and provinces, and leaders of other countries around. You may have meant to ask about spiritual leaders, of which there is one in Rome, but also in Iran, London, China, and Japan, not to mention hundreds of other faiths.

“You might also have meant the most prominent head of our society, which at the moment is a popular entertainer on tour and whom millions adore.

“Or perhaps a military leader, of which there are many in individual countries and cantons around the world. Many of these are at the moment engaged in war with each other, dropping bombs and attacking citizens with missiles and warheads, laying waste to the Earth itself. In fact, there is concern that a nuclear device used in an offensive attack could level all of Earth.

“Naturally, Earthlings have created a society where individuals can express dissatisfaction with leadership and petition for better services and programs to preserve flora and faunaand humans. Unfortunately, humans are fickle and tend to make poor choices, so that our oceans are polluted, our air is fouled by carbon and smog, and we value life only minimally.”

I paused, then asked, “So to whom would you like to be taken?”

The fuzzy alien stared at me, then looked back over its shoulder to the disc-shaped spaceship. It turned again to me and said: “Never mind. You Earthlings are already in the process of destroying your planet and making one another suffer. Our invasion is hardly necessary. We will be back in a billion or your years to invade the next civilization that will rise after yours has collapsed and vanished.”

And with that, the little creature climbed back aboard its flying saucer, The door closed and it took off into outer space.

I suppose the invasion was cancelled.

I continued on with my walk, enjoying the brisk December air. When I returned home, I checked social media to see what was new.

I wonder what posts will be trending today.

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