Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Top 10 Canadian Vacation Spots for UFO Buffs
Top 10 Canadian Vacation
Spots for UFO Buffs
If you’re looking for
something a bit different for your vacation this summer―and someone in your
family is really into UFOs―you should consider visiting places in Canada that
some believe attract otherworldly tourists, too.
Bored with the usual touristy venues? Tired of packed, noisy beaches and stifling amusement parks? From places to hang out and watch for mysterious lights to horseback trail rides to where a UFO was seen to land, these are some of Canada's best must-see places to visit by anyone keen on aliens and UFOs.
Bored with the usual touristy venues? Tired of packed, noisy beaches and stifling amusement parks? From places to hang out and watch for mysterious lights to horseback trail rides to where a UFO was seen to land, these are some of Canada's best must-see places to visit by anyone keen on aliens and UFOs.
Shag Harbour UFO Crash
Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia
In October 1967, many
witnesses, including RCMP, saw a bright object fall into the ocean off the
coast of Nova Scotia. The case, often called “Canada’s Roswell,” is supported
by actual government and military documents from the National Archives that
detail the official investigation and efforts to recover whatever it might have
been. Local residents even commemorate the incident with an annual UFO Festival.
There’s even a sign along the highway near where what happened.
A new sign has recently been put up near the site:

A new sign has recently been put up near the site:

Scugog Island Ghost Light
Near Port Perry, Ontario
Whether a mysterious light
is called a UFO or a ghost is a matter of perspective and the opinion of
whomever is seeing it. Recurring mystery lights are often called spook lights
or ghost lights. Most have background stories about unfortunate individuals’
tragic deaths (sometimes decapitations) that result in their ghosts haunting
where accidents occurred. Witnesses say that the lights appear in the distance
then somehow zoom towards them, only to vanish suddenly. This light northeast
of Toronto has a long history, and even has been investigated by Toronto
ghosthunters. (It’s actually on a peninsula, not an island.) With a classic
tragic origin story, one writer noted: “the 'ghostlight' appears as one solid
light with the naked eye as well as through optical devices such as telescopes,
binoculars, etc. Occasionally it appears as if more than one light is merging
together to result in a larger light that pulses.”
Moonbeam, Ontario
120 kilometres north of
Timmins, along Highway 11, and about 20 kilometres east of Kapuskasing.
The town of Moonbeam got
its name from stories by pioneers who saw flashing lights falling from the sky,
which they called “moonbeams.” The town has embraced its spatial origin, even
erecting a huge flying saucer along the highway as a tourist attraction. About
10 years ago, development of nearby hiking trails included signage with
green-skinned aliens guiding the way.
Neebing Spooklight
40 kilometres south of
Thunder Bay, Ontario, on Highway 61
Several locations near
Thunder Bay have spook light stories. These are more like UFO sightings in the
sense there are no tragic deaths or events associated with them, but are more
simply lights that seem to appear and disappear while flitting about treetops.
Some witnesses describe them as UFOs rather than ghosts.
Falcon Lake UFO Incident
Falcon Lake, Manitoba
In May 1967, Stefan
Michalak was doing some amateur prospecting north of Falcon Lake in Whiteshell
Provincial Park. He encountered a flying saucer which seemed to land on a rock
outcropping near him. He walked up to it and was burned by its exhaust when it
took off. The case was investigated by the RCMP, Canadian Forces and even the
United States Air Force, which considered it “Unexplained.” Today, you can get
a t-shirt commemorating the event in Falcon Lake, and the local riding stable
offers guided “UFO Rides” to the site where it occurred.
Woodridge Spooklight
Woodridge, Manitoba
This spooklight also has
an origin story involving a decapitation. The light is said to be a lantern
carried by a headless ghost looking for its missing head along the railroad
tracks south of town.
The light has been
investigated by researchers, even some from the University of Toronto.
St. Louis Spook Light
St. Louis Spook Light
30 kilometres south of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.
The light appears near the old railroad tracks about eight kilometres north of St. Louis. The gravel road that leads to the location is unmarked and hard to find. Best bet: Go to St. Louis, and ask someone. According to the CBC: “…one night in the 1920s, a CNR engineer was checking the tracks near St. Louis, Sask., when he was hit by a train ... and decapitated. Since then, there have been numerous sightings of a mysterious light which some claim comes from a phantom train or lantern.”
Tabor Light
17 miles NE of Esterhazy, SK
The spooklight with probably the richest history is that of the Tabor Light in Saskatchewan. It is more of a true “ghost light,” as it appears usually near the Tabor Cemetery, near the village of Yarbo (Tabor is completely gone today.). There’s even a geocache that directs you there, if you can find it. In the 1930s, dozens of people attested to seeing a light hovering over the tombstones and adjacent field.
St. Paul UFO Landing Pad
St. Paul, Alberta
“The World’s First UFO
Landing Pad” was built in 1967 as a Canadian Centennial Project. In the 1990s, the
saucer-shaped platform had fallen into disrepair (from apparent lack of use)
and was restored, with a UFO museum added as well. A UFO conference was held
there a few times, and there are plans for a 50th anniversary
celebration in 2017. Queen Elizabeth visited the pad in 1978, and Mother
Theresa herself visited it in 1982.
Keats Island “Nest of
Keats Island, BC
A cross between a
recurring spooklight and a repetitive series of UFO sightings, Keats Island is
northwest of Vancouver across the bay from Gibsons. In 1967, there were so many
strange UFO sightings reported there, the island was considered a “UFO nest.”
Labels: UFO tourism Canada spook lights ghosts Shag Harbour crash Falcon Lake
Wednesday, June 01, 2016
Crash go the UFOs... onto Canada!
Crash Go the UFOs… in Canada
When one hears the phrase “UFO Crash,” the incident most
people think of is what is said to have happened near Roswell, New Mexico, in
1947. However, despite some possibly associated UFO reports from June and July
1947, all that is known for sure about Roswell is that some physical material
was found and recovered by US military officials in early July 1947.
Roswell is only one of
hundreds of claimed UFO crashes that some UFO buffs insist are proof that
aliens have been visiting Earth, but having misfortunate accidents when they
arrive. In fact, the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
(CSETI) lists almost 300 cases suggestive of UFO crashes on Earth. (
Even more interesting is that
Canada seems to be a place where UFOs have particular difficulty. (CSETI lists
five UFO crash sites in Canada, although most have no basis in fact.)
Historically, there are more
than a dozen well-witnessed and well-documented examples of odd or unexpected
objects apparently descending from the sky and landing or “crashing” on
Canadian soil. Some of these cases are supported by publicly-available
documents from Canada’s National Archives, others through historical records
and others as noted in the files of scientific institutions. This is not
arm-waving speculation about aliens visiting Earth; these are actual anomalies
involving odd objects falling to Earth, observed by witnesses. Most have
simple, prosaic explanations, although some have been celebrated by hardcore
believers in alien visitation as “the real thing.” At least one of these cases
is being promoted by some UFO advocates as proof that the Canadian government
is hiding the “truth” about aliens and UFOs from Canadians and that “UFO Found”
is an admission of cover-up.
The following is an annotated list of these cases, with
an added indication of: Explained;
Probable Explanation; Insufficient Information for an Explanation; or
Thicket Portage, Manitoba
The oldest account of an odd object over Manitoba took
place in the fall of 1792. Explorers David Thompson and Andrew Davy were camped
on the shore of Landing Lake, near what is now Thicket Portage. In Thompson’s
diary, he recorded that one night he and his companion were surprised by the
appearance of a brilliant “meteor of globular form... larger than the Moon.”
This object seemed to move directly towards them, descending slightly, and
“when within three hundred yards of us, it struck the River ice with a sound
like a mass of jelly, was dashed in innumerable luminous pieces and instantly
expired.” Thompson noted that the next morning, when they went to see the hole
it should have made in the ice, they could not find any sign of the object’s
apparent impact on the Earth.
[page 118]
Explanation: Fireball
March 15, 1960
A U-2 spy plane made a forced landing on Wapawekka Lake
in northern Saskatchewan.
Few people know that there was another U-2 “incident”
other than the more famous one of Francis Gary Powers. It's a good thing that
Flin Flon was more friendly than Russia. As far as we know, no one saw the U-2
make the emergency landing in Saskatchewan, which might have resulted in a UFO
report. RCMP from Flin Flon, Manitoba, were called out to the site of the
forced landing to assist the American pilot.
In 2014, the CIA released a
1998 report that claimed its U2 experimental flights were responsible for many
UFO reports.
Newsweek noted at the time:
Through the program, the CIA
secretly flew U-2 spy planes at altitudes of 60,000 feet above target
countries, like the Soviet Union. At the time, most commercial flights flew
between 10,000 and 20,000 feet, and military aircrafts flew below 40,000 feet.
Most people thought man couldn’t reach such heights and assumed alien life was
behind the mysterious objects in the sky… “Consequently, once U-2s started
flying at altitudes above 60,000 feet, air-traffic controllers began receiving
increasing numbers of UFO reports,” the document reads.
June 22, 1960
An object was seen to fall into Clan Lake, Northwest
On June 22, 1960, an airplane dropped a hunter off at
Clan Lake. About 20 minutes after the plane left, the man reported hearing a
loud noise similar to an airplane. As the noise grew louder, he looked to the
sky, but saw nothing. Seconds later, however, an object fell from the sky and
crashed into the water. When it hit the surface, the object began to rotate,
causing a spray of water around it. There was no steam to indicate that the
object was hot. According to the witness, the object was approximately 4 to 6
feet wide, with spokes coming out of it like arms. As it began to slow down, a
rush of water met the campers on the shore. Finally, the object sank.
The RCMP officer who met the
witness recalled in 2010 that he was a reliable and trustworthy individual, not
prone to exaggeration and well-liked in the community. If it was a meteorite
under the water of significant size, you'd think the scientists would want to
recover it.
October 4, 1967
A bright object was seen by several witnesses to fall
into Shag Harbour, off the coast of Nova Scotia.
Sometimes called “Canada's Roswell,” this classic case is
actually a bit better than Roswell because a number of official documents have
been located suggesting something really happened, unlike Roswell. It began in
the early evening of October 4, 1967. People all around Quebec and the
Maritimes reported UFOs, including pilots of an Air Canada DC-8 who saw a
large, brightly lit rectangular object estimated to be flying at around 12,000
feet, flying in a parallel flight path.
Around 9:00pm ADT, the captain
and crew of a fishing vessel near Sambro, Nova Scotia saw several red lights
over the water and said their onship radar also detected the objects. The RCMP,
communicating with the Captain via the Canadian Coast Guard, was curious enough
about the event to request the Captain file a report when he returned to port.
Styles, (one of the principal investigators of the Shag Harbour incident),
himself saw something strange in Halifax Harbour. It was a disc-shaped object,
glowing orange, drifting up the harbour. After running closer to the object, Styles
could see it was a roughly fifty-foot diameter sized orange ball, moving slowly
over the water. No sound could be heard.
Then, around 11:30 pm, five witnesses
observed an object descending at a moderate pace over Shag Harbour. With a
swishing sound, the object fell out of the witness's sight, seemingly crashing
into the harbour. Moving to the harbour to see what happened, the witnesses
could see an object floating in the water, about 200 feet from the shore.
Thinking the object might be a crashed plane, the youths
phoned the RCMP and the local detachment dispatched a car to the scene. The
local police also contacted the Halifax station, the headquarters for the
surrounding area, and in turn, Halifax contacted RCMP national headquarters in
Ottawa. Ottawa then filed a UFO report with the Canadian Forces, who, suspecting
a downed plane, contacted the Rescue Coordination Centre back in Halifax.
in Shag Harbour, the local RCMP began to think of ways to reach the object,
whatever it was. Three RCMP officers were at the scene, including one who had
himself observed a bright object moving over the mainland. For several minutes
the officers were able to see a strange yellow light off the shore, and through
binoculars were able to see what appeared to be yellow foam around the light. The
police roused some local fishermen from sleep and the Mounties secured some
boats for a water rescue. Unfortunately, the object by this time seemed to have
sunk beneath the surface of the ocean.
the boats traveled out to where the object was last seen. While the would-be
rescuers didn't find the object or any occupants, they did the thick yellow
foam floating on top of the surface where the object had apparently gone down.
The foam was estimated to be around three inches thick, 80 feet wide and a
half-mile in length. Bubbles could be seen continually coming to the surface
and the smell of sulfur was present in the air. By 12:30am, the Canadian Coast
Guard arrived on the scene and they helped in the search, but by 4:00am, the
search was called off for the night.
search was restarted again the next morning, this time with the help of a dive
team. As many as seven scuba divers
searched the depths of the harbour in hope of finding the object that fell from
the sky.
Even the
military seemed puzzled as to what could have crashed into the water. In a memorandum
dated October 6, 1967, it was indicated that: “The Rescue Coordination Centre
conducted preliminary investigation and discounted the possibilities that the
sighting was produced by an aircraft, flares, floats, or any other known
search continued through to Monday, when it was finally called off. Nothing was
ever found, but rumors circulated that something, or at least pieces of something,
were recovered and sent to a naval base in Dartmouth. One witness insisted he
saw divers pulling shiny metal material out of the water.
Officially, nothing was
recovered from the waters off the coast of Nova Scotia in the search for what
crashed back in October of 1967. The
Condon Committee (a U.S. Air Force sponsored investigation that was carried out
by the University of Colorado), examined the case (Case #34 in its report). After
a brief review of events, the report concluded the case by indicating: “No further investigation by the project was
considered justifiable, particularly in view of the immediate and thorough
search that had been carried out by the RCMP and the Maritime Command.” No
explanation for the sightings was even attempted by the Committee.
October 17, 1968
Fragments of a "space vehicle" found near Wollaston
Lake in Saskatchewan were transported to the National Research Council of
Canada in Ottawa. One of the pages of RCMP documents about the incident is
titled: “U.F.O. Found in Northern Saskatchewan.”
There are dozens of pages of documents online about this
mysterious chunk of space hardware, describing the investigation by the RCMP and
NRC. This is the most-cited document:
Although this one is perhaps the most telling, noting the
results of the analysis, that it is 99% pure titanium like from a space
vehicle, and is “the largest piece from a satellite that has ever landed on
Earth” (at that time).
January 24, 1978
Cosmos 954 crashes into northern Canada, mostly near
Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories but also, of course, Saskatchewan.
This radioactive Russian spacecraft was seen to fragment
and fall over a very wide area in the largely uninhabited Canadian north. Radioactive
debris was painstakingly tracked, located and taken to the Whiteshell Nuclear
Research Establishment in Pinawa, Manitoba, for examination. Aboriginal people
throughout the area were given medical examinations and tested for radioactive
April 2, 1978
Bell Island Boom, NF
On April 2, 1978, a loud explosion on Bell Island caused physical
damage to some houses and the electrical wiring in others in the surrounding
area. Two cup-shaped holes about two feet deep and three feet wide marked a major
impact on the ground. A number of TV sets in Lance Cove, the surrounding
community, exploded at the time of the blast, which was initially thought to be
caused by ball lightning. At the time, meteorologists said that atmospheric
conditions at the time were not conducive to lightning. The boom was heard 55 kilometers
away in Cape Broyle, although the impact occurred in the Bickfordville area, on
the southwestern side of the island.
The incident was investigated
by John Warren and Robert Freyman from Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, in New
Mexico. It had been speculated that, due to their place of work, that they were
investigating a secret weapons test and were military attachés. However, they
had been studying data received from the Vela satellites, investigating a
“superbolt” - an unusually large bolt of lightning, lasting an unusually long
time: about a thousandth of a second.
Explanation: Natural Phenomenon?
August 22, 1990
Ebenezer’s UFO, PEI
At 7:00 pm, Walter Benoit of Bellefond, New Brunswick,
saw a “very bright object, 4 to 5 feet long,” and “clear in colour.” He
reported it to the RCMP, who sent the report to the NRC. The NRC numbered the
case N90/66 in its Non-Meteoritic Sightings File.
At 7:15 pm, Carmelle Morrissey
was in Morristown, Nova Scotia, Canada, and happened to look up into the early
evening sky. Morrissey saw a “very bright, circular object” moving in the sky
for an estimated four to five minutes. The sighting was reported to CFB
Greenwood, and the BOC (Base Commander) filed the report with the Canadian
Department of National Defence (DND). In turn, DND sent a note about the
sighting to the NRC, which filed it as case N90/61. Copies of the report were
sent to an alphabet soup of official acronyms: RCCPJAC NDOC OTTAWA, RCWBOCA,
Shortly thereafter, three more objects were reported to
the NRC, all involving UFOs with long tails and identified as meteors by the
NRC as cases N90/62, N90/63, and N90/64.
Meanwhile, something odd was
happening in Prince Edward Island.
According to N90/65, from
222350Z to 230115Z (7:50 pm to 9:15 pm), Shirley Yeo of Ebenezer, PEI, was “eyewitness
to [a] glowing white object which landed in woods.” She and all her family watched
the strange object, which they described as “like an ice cream cone.”
Remarkably, once it “landed,” the object was reported as “still glowing at
0300Z,” two hours later. Helen Gallant, who lived with the Yeo family, said: “I
saw it through the trees. It looked like a great big round ball of light
through the trees.”
While the glow was still
visible, witnesses watched as military helicopters and aircraft arrived and
began circling the area. Although there is a civilian airport at Charlottetown,
12 km southeast of Ebenezer, and a military base at Summerside, 45 km
southwest, witnesses were puzzled by the appearance of the aircraft because
such activity seemed unnecessary if the UFO was really only a meteor.
Charlottetown RCMP confirmed
that they had received more than a dozen calls about the Ebenezer object and
had sent two constables to investigate. They noted that one officer “could see
it in the distance, but then he just lost sight of it.” Meanwhile, Alexander
Davis of Frenchvale, Cape Breton (Nova Scotia), “saw [a] red-hot sheet of metal
land 300 yards from him in woods.” It was noted that “he swears he knows
exactly where it can be found.” At the time the NRC report was filed, the RCMP
was planning to question him the next morning.
NRC case N90/65 comments about
the large number of reports that night, noting that the “phenomena [was] seen
from Anticosti Island to Halifax, and from Newfoundland to Maine.” Furthermore,
“all colours of flares [were] reported as well as fireballs, flaming aircraft
and burning boats,” and reports were received over a period of 90 minutes. One
note recorded that “RCMP detatchments in [the] Maritimes have reported location
of debris.”
Spurred by the possibility
that the object was in fact a meteor which may have fallen, a group of 30
amateur astronomers with the Charlottetown Astronomy Club searched the area the
next morning, but found nothing of interest.
Clive Perry, president of the
club, was doubtful the UFO had been a meteor. “I wouldn't think it would be a
meteorite when it glowed so long,” he said. “It pretty well had to be space
junk or parts of a satellite. That's about the only thing that could have come
down unless you want to talk about little green men with buggy eyes.”
Perry spoke with the witnesses
and found them to be honest and truthful. “They are very credible,” he noted. “It
would take a pretty good mind to make up a story like that.”
Another astronomer, Paul
Delaney of York University in Toronto, also offered his opinion to the media
that because of the duration of the sighting, the UFO was probably not a
meteor. He thought that the presence of the aircraft indicated the falling
object was a satellite.
However, despite witnesses’
reports and the negative findings of the astronomers, NORAD and CFB Halifax insisted
the UFOs were ascribable to meteors. A newspaper report noted: “Neither
military agency would say if anything struck the ground.”
November 4, 1989
Corkery Road, in Carp, Ontario
Although diehard UFO buffs insist this case is real, most
serious UFO researchers have figured out it was an elaborate hoax perpetrated
on the UFO community. Basically, the claims involve stories of the crash of an
alien spacecraft just west of Ottawa, and a military cover-up so thorough that
there is not only no physical trace of it left, all of the residents in the
area insist nothing occurred. All supposedly supportive evidence comes from a
single video that purportedly shows a spacecraft moving vertically in the air
but can be shown to have been a truck on the ground surrounded by flares while
a video camera moved up and down. Alleged eyewitness testimony has never been

Explained: Hoax
August 18, 1991
Carp, Ontario
CSETI claims that a second UFO crash occurred near Carp.
No details were given.
Information for an Explanation
1993 or 1996 (exact date unknown)
According to CSETI, “ET craft shot down in Canada. Not
previously reported in the UFO press but vouched for by confidential CSETI
Information for an Explanation
June 14, 1994
St-Robert, Quebec
Meteorite Fall and Find
Just before sunset on June 14, 1994, in eastern Canada, grazing
cows witnessed a shower of meteorites―the 12th recorded fall in Canada―and the
beginning of an event that would set many precedents over the next two years.
The pastoral village of St. Robert, Quebec, was instantly catapulted into the
20th Century world of meteoritics, research, and Cultural Property Laws.
000214 Medicine Hat, Alberta
A large chunk of ice fell from the sky, hitting a truck.
Source: UFO Roundup
“According to the Medicine
Hat News of February 15, 2000, the truck's owner was driving past the Ross
Glen Elementary School when something slammed into his truck. Pulling over to
the curb, the driver found that a large piece of ice had struck and penetrated
the tough canvas truckbed cover. The ice chunk was described as about two feet
long, tapered and narrow at one end and blunt at the other. The truck driver
reportedly has the ice chunk and hopes to have it tested or analyzed.”
Information for an Explanation
010419 Etzikom, Alberta
A fireball was seen falling to earth. Later, a “crater”
was found in a field.
Source: Ufology Research
On April 1, 2001 at 10:30 pm, farm manager George Hofer
and several children from the Rosedale Hutterite Brethern Colony near Etzikom,
Alberta, saw something remarkable in the sky. They were startled to see a
brilliant fireball falling straight down and appearing to impact the Earth only
a few miles away. The incident was discussed briefly with others, then
On April 16, 2001, Ken Masson,
who farmed 13 miles south of Etzikom, was preparing his land for seeding when
he discovered a circular, crater-like formation, which he was certain had not
been there before. Soon, news spread throughout the community as local
newspapers carried stories about the two events which seemed connected. the
occurrence. Many people visited the “crater” and speculation flourished as to
whether it was caused by aliens, a meteorite or something else entirely.
On April 30, 2001, a reporter
from a local paper contacted Dr. Pano Karkanis of the Department of Geography
at the University of Lethbridge, and requested him to examine the crater and
offer some opinion on what may have caused it. Karnakis visited the site on May
1, 2001 and conducted interviews Masson, members of the Rosedale Hutterian
Brethren Colony and other people from Etzikom the neighbouring town of
Foremost. Later, he also interviewed Hofer, the first witness of the fireball.
Karkanis took photographs of
the site, measured it carefully and took soil samples. He found that the crater was a circle 15 cm
lower than the surface of the field, with an inside circle diameter of 2.4
metres, surrounded by a mound of dirt 40 cm high, and an outside circle
diameter of 3.6 metres. He also noted four curious indentations inside the
crater, which some had speculated were caused by “landing gear” of a UFO. The
ground inside the circle was cracked and sere, very different from the smooth
powdery nature of rest of the area. Finally, he found some odd, reddish-brown
particles of dirt on the mound surrounding the circle.
After completing his analysis, Karkanis published a
report on the formation, in which he noted:
There was not any indication to
suggest that the small circle is a formation caused by a landing of an
extra-terrestrial vehicle. The four indentations in the middle of the circle...
are not quite symmetrical which might indicate an object leg-marks, these were
probably formed by rain-water accumulation on softer soil spots inside the
Despite the physical appearance of the soil inside and
outside the crater, Karkanis could not find any chemical or radioactive
anomalies, nor any indication that the dirt was affected by intense heat.
He concluded that the crater
was most likely caused by:
A meteoroid, fragment of a
meteorite, a small rock or metal solid object which plunged and fell into the
earth from outer-space with great force, at SW 18-4-8 W4, with very high speed
(probably 150 - 650 km/hr depending on the material of the meteoroid and height
from which it fell) and extreme kinetic energy. An incandescent body
accompanied by a fiery luminous phenomenon, which is caused by the substantial
resistance of the dense atmosphere to the meteoroid motion (the light usually
recognized at 100 - 150 km of the meteoroid height), near the end of its path,
was observed by Mr. Hofer, who is a reliable eye-witness. The meteoroid’s outer
layer probably disintegrated a little, due to the high heat it was exposed to
during its rapid flight through the atmosphere, scattering crusty thin and
rusty fragments, as found around the crater...
This fallen meteoroid object
was not visible and could not be found on the surface of the ground at the
investigation site, probably due to the great force by which it crashed on to
the ground and eventually sank to a depth of approximately a metre (3 ft 4 in)
or more, into the soft soil of the field (loamy texture). Therefore the
meteoroid kind, shape, age and composition could not be recognized and its
origin could not be identified whether it is of a chondrite, achondrite, iron
meteorite or stony-iron meteorite origin. It is a future challenge, to excavate
the site and retrieve the meteoroid for further study of the material.
Once news of the Etzikom crater had reached ufologists,
there was considerable speculation that this was a bona fide UFO case. What is
most interesting it was investigated quite thoroughly by a number of scientists
before the UFO community was even aware of it. Soil scientists, physicists and
geologists from two different institutions examined the site, and an official
report has been issued. I was called for my advice on the course of action
early in the investigations by ufologists, and consulted with a number of
people as to the types of tests that might be useful.
Gord Kijek, founder of the
Alberta UFO Research Group and one of the principal investigators of the
incident, examined the site in some detail and noted there was no explanation
for the formation if it was not a meteor crater. He did not find any evidence
that it was caused by a sinkhole, a lightning strike or a natural gas
However, if the Etzikom
formation is a meteor crater, it is extremely unique. Most geology textbooks
illustrate meteor impact craters such as Crater Lake in Oregon, the Ungava
Peninsula in Quebec or the impressive Barringer Meteor Crater in Arizona, which
is a major tourist attraction.
The Etzlikom crater, albeit
small compared with Barringer, may be the first significantly sized meteor
crater discovered in Canada in modern times. Even the fireball that generated a
huge wave of sightings across Eastern North America several years ago only made
a bucket sized crater in the soil. The Etzikom crater is about ten feet wide.
To further add to the puzzle,
Dr. Alan Hildebrand of the University of Calgary, Canada's leading authority on
impact craters, the scientist whose research received international attention
when he concluded that dinosaurs died off after a major cataclysmic impact
event, expressed his opinion to investigators that he did not think the Etzikom
crater was made by a meteorite.
But if it’s not a meteor
030416 Drumheller, Alberta
A bright, burning object fell into a yard; a smouldering
small shiny object was found.
Source: MIAC
A letter was sent to the Meteorite and Impact Advisory
Committee of the Canadian Space Agency regarding a strange incident.
To whom it may concern,
I was asked
by my parents to inquire as to what may have happened on the 16th of April 2003
in Drumheller, Alberta. What took place on that morning was indeed strange, in
fact the strangest thing that they have ever witnessed in their married lives.
At approximately 6: 45 am my mom saw the oddest thing happen.
My parents are
early risers, they had gotten up at around 5:30 am that morning, and after
their ritual of making and consuming several cups of coffee, they were ready
for the day. My dad headed for his workshop in the backyard, to split some
firewood for their wood stove. My mom was doing a few dishes and generally
putting around in the kitchen. She had decided to put on a couple of eggs to
boil and hollered out the back door and asked if my dad was going to join her
for some breakfast. His reply was, not right at the moment. Mom had returned to
the stove, when something caught her attention at the window in the kitchen.
There was a fire right outside the window!! She immediately went to the
back-door and asked dad if he was burning something in the backyard. He said, no.
When mom got
back into the house and looked again outside through the window, she had to
turn away as the light from this burning ember was so bright it hurt her eyes.
She said it was like glancing at someone welding. She watched this thing burn
and smoke away until it had dissipated into an object no bigger than a dime. My
dad at this time had come from the garage with their big Golden Retriever and
asked what the hell was going on. The dog apparently had heard or smelled
something, because he was shaking and cowling like he had been terribly
My dad asked
again what was going on; my mom had filled him in on what she had just
witnessed. They both continued to look at this smoldering object in the side of
their back yard, wondering where this thing had come from. After about 2 hours
they both went outside to investigate further. Where this object had landed,
was on a portion of the yard my dad was trying to rake up, but it still had a
little ice and was extremely wet, so it made it impossible to rake up. Not now,
this spot was burnt and all the leaves around it were charred and the soil was
bone dry. The heat must have been horrific.
What they found was an object no bigger than a dime. It was smooth on one
side and rather bumpy on the other. On the bumpy side, it shone like diamonds
in the sun!! They scooped it up and put it into a glass jar and now have it on
their kitchen table as a conversation piece. Indeed, what a conversation piece!
Information for an Explanation
November 20, 2008
Buzzard Coulee, SK
A brilliant fireball was first spotted at around 17:30
MST (00:30 UTC) and was reported by people living in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba,
and even North Dakota. It was five times as bright as a full moon. Over 400
people reported seeing it. There are several videos of the meteoroid on
YouTube. The object split into multiple pieces before widespread impact. The
meteoroid entered the atmosphere at approximately 14 kilometres per second and
is estimated to have been about the size of a desk and have had a mass of
approximately 10 tonnes.
June 12, 2010
10:30 am
New London, PEI
Two people saw a ball of fire fall from the sky and hit a
hay field nearby. The hay was set on fire and the couple were able to put the
fire out. Astronomers who were called in to investigate the “meteorite” said
the observation and physical traces were “not consistent with natural
meteoroids or space debris.”
Information for an Explanation
February 18, 2015
Hoax Story of UFO Crash at Jackhead First Nation,
This hoax story of a UFO crash and military cover-up
began on social media, with tweets about something falling onto frozen Lake
Winnipeg and the Canadian military immediately arriving to cordon off the area,
threatening residents of nearby Jackhead First Nation and confiscating cameras.
The rumour became stronger when photos were posted of Canadian Forces vehicles
in the area, with some people claiming the military was there to contain the
UFO crash site. In reality, the military were in the area for a long-planned
winter training exercise. None of the claims involving UFOs could be
Explained: Hoax
Rumors about an alleged crashed UFO near Roswell, New
Mexico, may be tantalizing, but there are documented events in Canada offering
more substance, more diverse reported characteristics, and more verified
documentation of real events. Government documents available on these and other
cases were never kept from the public but are in open files in archives and
other repositories of information. Although few are known to the general
public, these cases are known to serious researchers of such phenomena and have
been presented in books, journals and at conferences.
Canadians begin their summer vacations, they may well be advised to keep an eye
out for unusual objects descending from above.
Labels: UFO crash satellites U2 RCMP Canada fireballs Shag Harbour astronomy hoaxes CSETI